Friday, June 1, 2007

LH Surge?

So I goofed... I had a pack of non name brand OPK tests, and had been using the last of them up this month- knowing that the OB wouldn't be too thrilled with using them next month. She's an OPK snob that one. But now I know why. I think I surged. There was a second line, it was of the darker nature, but possibly, maybe not "as dark or darker" than the test line. That was Wednesday. Yesterday, I went out and got the name brand ones (my OB likes First Response...) and tested again. There was virtually no line.. none. Does LH really disappear from your system that quickly? Actually... yes. After more research (could you tell that I took a 15 minute break after asking the question? I'll bet you had a hard time waiting for me to come back, no?) I found out that it does only stay elevated for 24 hours or less....

So apparently, I ovulated yesterday... in and of itself, that's a pretty cool thing. I called the doctor and asked if I could do a progesterone test next week. Basically, I want to determine for sure if there is a reason to take the clomid. If I'm ovulating regularly with the metformin, then I'm not sure there's a point... she might see things differently, but it's worth a shot, right? She's not in on Friday's, so I have to wait to hear her thoughts, but I'm hopeful- and that's a lot more than I could say a year and a half ago.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since I am taking Met also I know how bad the side effects are. They suck. Since you think you are ovulating on your own instead of using opk's what about the ov-watch since it gives you 4 days notice it might be a better bet for you.